International competition
The ‘C’ shape of the bar evokes the ancient Greek amphitheatre. The space within this shape is the ‘stage’ and the surrounding area is the ‘audience’. Customers can choose to be spectators, performers, or both. Being on the stage gives one the opportunity to be the center of attention and the protagonist of their own ‘play’, while staying on the sidelines allows one to be a ‘voyeur’. However, the possibility of switching roles is the essence of this space.
The bar accommodates different uses. It twists, turns and changes height to form a service area, a counter and a seating area in a single fluid shape. The space invites multiple interpretations and extends the idea of the bar as a catwalk to an interactive event.
The bar can stand alone, like an island. It can also be part of a landscape formation in an indoor or outdoor space (e.g. in a lobby, terminal, fair, etc.), or create its own enclosed, cave-like interior space.